..............................Persis is married!..............................

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I saw daylight today!

The situation in Iraq continues to sadden me. I still remember the heated conversation with best friend in the whole wide world two years ago. I supported the war then, because I believed in my leaders. Blair's moral conviction still resonates in my gut, but whatever good intentions he had, it is also true that the postwar mission has been a total mess. I don't know what war conditions are like, or the pressures soldiers are under. But this is just wrong. And it makes me very sad indeed.

On a brighter note, I got up at 6.30am this morning - an definite answer to prayer - prepared my lunch "tuckbox", travelled to work, finished my BSF homework over coffee and still managed to get into the office at 9am! Despite capitulating to my scrabble addiction till the early hours of the morning, am feeling bright and cheerful. Kowtow to me now...!

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