As I pen this, the clockhand passes the first 1 hr 14 mins of my 31st year. The first few minutes of said 31st year was spent reading aloud John 4:1-26 (am doing the reading in church tomorrow). Then replied to a coupla emails, showered, and now have hopped into bed to blog.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
31st Birthday
As I pen this, the clockhand passes the first 1 hr 14 mins of my 31st year. The first few minutes of said 31st year was spent reading aloud John 4:1-26 (am doing the reading in church tomorrow). Then replied to a coupla emails, showered, and now have hopped into bed to blog.
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Back from Rome
Arrived past midnight. Waiting for bus home at Liverpool Street station at 12am in the morning with luggage was not fun, but was also munching Macs quarterpounder and fries. Crashed immediately. Went to work today. 79 emails in inbox! Dinner with prayer partner, Ash - she made jiaozi, mm... In bed now and going to crash again. Will blog about Rome soon. Birthday gifts starting to arrive from all over the world.
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Friday, April 21, 2006
My thoughts on Christian dating
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
Finding Peniel
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Triple Chocolate Cheesecake
Blogging while waiting for my Pret double shot macchiato to kick in - my second coffee for the day. Pret double shot macchiatos pretty much work for me every time. Woke up at 6am this morning to help Y lug her luggage to the bus-stop and go to work (why not?). Going to the ballet tonight, and looked ridiculous in my nice green dress and flat ballet pumps (luggage lugging shoes - high heels would have just killed me running for the bus with said luggage in tow). My work server is down for servicing this morning, so everything is going very slooooow... Y and I had a nice looooong catch up girl chat last night - stories of dog, husband, rural life in Minnesota actually filled quite a few hours. Well, ok, there was also tea, triple chocolate cheesecake made by my very own fair hands, and CSI. Have lots to settle before Rome this weekend - hurrah! Holiday!
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Y is in town
Y is sitting next to me in my office emailing on her new Sony Vaio. She's passing through London for one night, on her way back to the U.S. of A. We had xiaolongbaos and salt pepper scallops at The Chinese Experience, and rasberry bellinis at The International Bar. In the office to pick up our stuff on the way to my home, however got waylaid by the internet. We should go soon. Blog later.
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Break in Peniel (edited)
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Sunny Saturday
So. The sun came out of hiding Saturday morning, lending some relief from the April winds, and generally making me feel happy. American boy had suggested marketing (again) at Borough, and so I found myself for the fourth week in a row squeezed inside Maria's quaint cafe in the middle of the market, nursing a wake-up coffee and watching my companion tucking into an artery-clogging English breakfast. I tell you, Maria and her teeny space and teeny chairs were not made for big American blokes, yet there was something very cosy about it. I love watching the steam rise up from a cuppa - there's something comforting and heartwarming about that picture, and you feel like you're suspended in a microcosm of warmth when everywhere around you it's freezing cold.
We talked. And talked. And talked. And then it was time to pick up a bottle of Cabernet from Bedales, a chunk of Comte from the Comte people, a bag of dried cherries from the dried fruits stall and some nuggets of pork tenderloin from The Ginger Pig for tomorrow's lunch. Talk talk. There was lunch and my favourite linguine lagoustine. More talk talk. There was Hamley's and a grand Scrabble set, Lego and two adult-sized kids in a crowd of other adult-sized kids. Talk talk talk. Finally there was John Lewis and a nice simple decanter. Talk - we had been at it for about six hours, while scouring the whole of central London! Then suddenly, it was time to say goodbye. Just as abruptly as we had started, we ended abruptly too. Hasty kisses on the cheek, and we parted ways.
The sun was still shining, bringing a song in my heart and a skip in my feet. It had been a fun and happy day, just the sort of Saturday Saturdays are supposed to be. I sauntered down Bond Street. There was a disinterested diversion into Zara, a more earnest browse in Reiss, haughty staff at Nitya (typical Parisian service - don't know why I bothered), lovely bright whiteness in Anne Fontaine, and some definite wins in Jigsaw. I picked out a teal cropped sweater, chatted with the salesgirl and headed into the fitting room to try on my sweater. As the door closed behind me, I turned, plonked down my bag, took off my coat, and slipped the sweater off its hanger. And I burst out crying.
I missed A so much.
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Friday, April 07, 2006
New life
My precious phalaenopsis' new spike! I cut off the other spike completely after it finished blooming the last time but left this one just above the last node in the hope that it would encourage a new spike. And now it's flowering!
What a perfect Easter gift.
If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection."
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