..............................Persis is married!..............................

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Musings about the simple things in life

Right. I think I've reached my quota for emo posts this year. Either that I should quit while I'm ahed. My life's not that soap-dramatic anyway (I wish!).

So, what did I do today?
- read very nice email from blog penpal (you know who you are!)
- lunch meeting
- emo moment
- prayed, emailed best girlfriend, talked to best girlfriend in London
- decided to fight one battle at a time, by faith
- went for a brief walk
- came back to office, wrote 1000 words of new chapter - hoohah!
- cared for a friend, remembering Romans 2:7
- did full workout at the gym - hoohah!
- came home, made dinner - my own version of huevos rancheros
- watched Newsnight and The Apprentice USA
- currently editing India photos
- general mood: holding tightly onto the Cross of Christ

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