..............................Persis is married!..............................

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Virtual quips on real life

In the spirit of non-emo posts and keeping things lighthearted...
I remember watching My Best Friend's Wedding years and years ago and thinking: funny movie (remember the ice sculpture?), but what a silly selfish girl.
Well, you know what?
Yesterday, I was that silly selfish girl.
Searched my heart after a conversation with ex-suitor-turned-best-friend (who lovingly reassured me that I was overreacting) yesterday, and felt terrible - particularly for saying anything about unnamed-other-girl (since it's none of my business). Basically, was being Julia Roberts in the film, and in these situations, you say all the things girls say when they love and are afraid of losing their best friend's love.
Angst about it the whole night... Was secretly hoping that the second-last scene in the movie would come true. Remember? Dermot Mulroney is walking out of the chapel with his new bride, Cameron Diaz, and suddenly he nips back and hugs Julia Roberts and whispers to her: Thank you for loving me so much...
Actually, that is a few scenes back, when he discovers what she has done:
Julia: I'm pond scum.
Julia: Well, lower actually. I'm like the fungus that feeds on pond scum.
Michael: Lower. The pus that infects the mucus that cruds up the fungus that feeds on the pond scum...
(*drum roll* - the big line that made every single girl in the audience heave a sigh)
Michael: On the other hand, thank you for loving me that much, that way.
Oh well, I liked the line, and the fact that he nips back, so I combined the two scenes into one. Ahem.
It is a romantic comedy, ladies and gentlemen. So this morning, post-angst, and with a bit of help from a girlfriend, who totally burst out laughing when I told her and confessed that she had done the same thing (i.e. do dumb things to keep guy) only a week before - I saw the funny side and laughed as well. Silly girls.
P.S. Confession: I totally relate to the egg scene in Runaway Bride (another Julia Roberts flick... eeek) as well, but that's another blog post.

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