Wetfoot India 2006 Winetasting Fundraiser @casa de Aaron
So many glasses. I'd never seen so many glasses. It was so pretty, the rows and rows of glasses. The friendly wine delivery man asked, so is your friend having a very big party? Urm, no, not really. So he likes wine? Er, yes, although he's just a humble boy from Kansas trying to make his way in the white man's world. And the wine is because he likes helping orphans in India who've been affected by the tsunami. In other words, to summarise in a nutshell, he's a friendly almost teetotaller with a big heart and a big apartment, and what do you do when you have a big heart and a big apartment? Why, you bring the two together and let your friends use it to throw a winetasting fundraiser, of course!

Our speaker, (soon to be Dr) Sujith Kumar
So we had 23 people, 1 speaker, 2 cheeses, 3 tables, 6 wines, 42 bottles and of course, the 156 wineglasses. A very laid back affair it was, "so unpretentious" quote one guest, "edifying - I learned a lot" quote another guest. (There was also "bbqed chicked wings - what a great idea!", but we'll let that slip.) Sujith did a great job, and very soon he had people swirling their wines, observing the speed it took to slide down the glass, the colour of the meniscule, sinking their noses in to take in the different bouquets - leather? chlorine? citrus? berries? pepper?, and of course, drinking. Nobody spit, despite the buckets, so there was a lot of wine being drunk that night, I tell you. Imagine tottering in black satin Burberry heels with a bottle of red wine in your hands and plenty more in your system trying to serve your guests without spilling. A walk in the park, ahem. It was a good selection of wines. The Kabinett was a hit, and so was the burgundy.
Rapt attention
Then there was the post-winetasting party. A bit hit! People were starving, so we started laying out the antipastas and cheeses, Aaron's salsa, my chocolate truffles (recipe coming up!), and of course, Tesco's bbqed chicken wings (it's so weird but so practical). There was plenty of wine leftover to go around. The piano tinkling in the background, the girls curled up on the leather couch, the boys mingling around the kitchen island (and food), the evening followed the lilies in the breeze and time stood still.
The boys putting the projector to good use - if you look carefully, you might just spy me in the right corner loading the dishwasher, ahem
We raised 575.78 pounds for the orphans in India. Praise God!
Finally, I just wanted to end an exhilarating weekend with this:
Swan Lake, presented by Bolshoi Ballet at the Royal Opera House
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